The Pettiest Housemate Squabble


not a pacifist
Head-Admin ★★★
★ Donor ★
Jan 14, 2020
I am a second year university student living with 6 other people. One of them I knew first year and he was fine. Was.
There is no way to explain how this could have become as petty as it is currently, but here we are.
3 of the housemates called Adam (the original one from first year), Chloe and Lewis all very quickly get along very well before deciding to then isolate out the rest of the house. The other 4 housemates, myself included, decide to then just keep to ourselves.
Chloe complains to the 4 isolationists about the fact that we "don't take the bins out enough." Now, I can't speak for the rest of my housemates but I never put anything in the main bin and even though I never put anything in there, I still (on rare occasions) take it out from time to time.
This evolved into an argument between her and I as I didn't believe I really needed to take out the bin as I had proven time and time again I never actually put anything in there.
Come second semester, and this argument is never ending as she states it's a "community service" and I do need to take it out. In this last month, Astrid (the housemate I talk to and get along with most) and I agree enough is enough, so to take us two entirely out of the equation we buy our own bin, write our names on a piece of paper taped to the lid, and put that in the kitchen.
Chloe, Adam and Lewis then decide to do the same with their own bin, but as one final show of oneupmanship they move our bin to somewhere else and put their bin where ours was.

I don't even care anymore is the funny thing, are we in the wrong for not taking out the bins? Or are they for forcing us to contribute and help with something that has literally nothing to do with me at the very least.

Not going to lie, not even sure I posted this in the write place. I just needed a good rant about it.
Thank you for wasting your time reading this :)


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
I was having the same problem at work once, except we chucked one of them in the oven.

(no worries, the oven wasn't on and it was just for fun only to get along with the girls)

Forming small groups isn't good, specially in the education sector where it is very common. (I believe you are 19+ and mature, you must understand this.)
Don't do anything stupid (like I did) and don't let others to crush you.
You are on your own.

also, chloe is a b.

Also, wut r u studying?