Resolved This guy has been targeting me and following me and taunting at me constantly even when i'm in his team for no reason


Anonymous (99db)

SteamID / STEAM profile of the player:
Date of incident: 28/12/2023
Server name / IP:
Proof of evidence in form of:

First video
Second video
3rd video

Explain what happened & include as much information as possible:

So he just targets me if i'm not on his team and when i'm on his team he keeps following me and giving away my location or disguise (I play spy mostly). I'm pretty sure this is banneable. He does this until i or he leaves. He did this multiple times and i have just now decided to record him. I asked the server owner himself if this was banneable and he said that if he is indeed giving away my location while i'm trying to play spy it is banneable so i hope he gets what he deserves.