Declined unban discord

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★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
Requesting a Discord server unban/unisolation appeal [Copy & Paste in a new thread!]

1.) Discord username with discriminator:

Example: Xypherium#1337
2.) What happened?
i posted a guy dressed up in the wrong dress code and after everyone being warned about the convo i trolled stump then messaged one of the members in wln and we had argument in dms

3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you?
Because I learn from my mistakes. Everyone does as time goes. I'm an adult and I am aware of my actions and when a joke should have been made made or not. On the day I got "cocky" after posting the pic and I went a little bit too far which where everything went wrong. I apologies

PS: I was told that apparently I had the impression of "Your actions were horrible" and "refusing to accept blame for your actions are repulsive." in my last appeal when it states that I will not do it again (implying my apology) and the better outcome that would have moved smoothly. I feel I took a couple of punches to everything to do with this situation which escalated. <- Not saying that I am right of what I did but there was rather a misconception.


Admin ★
★ Donor ★
Dec 26, 2018
Hi laptivv.
Having first hand experience in this situation, i think it is safe to say that your actions weren't "cocky" but downright disgusting.
i posted a guy dressed up in the wrong dress code
Despite your claim to have learnt from your mistake, you still don't seem to understand the fundamentals of why you were banned. There is no "oh its somewhat okay because he was in the wrong dress code" to this situation.
Not saying that I am right of what I did but there was rather a misconception.
There was no misconception. There is never a situation where secretly taking a photo of someone and posting it online is acceptable.
Even after being told that you were in the wrong, you continued to double down again and again claiming that "its what everyone online does". I have no clue what side of the internet you are on that makes you think this is normal behaviour. On top of this, you harassed a user in DMs about it, again showing your complete lack of understanding towards your mistakes.
We do not accept this behaviour at all on this server.
I strongly recommend giving yourself time to reflect on your actions.
Appeal again when you understand how your actions can affect people.

Appeal Declined
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