Accepted Unguardban request

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the rock

Jul 26, 2021
I was guard banned a while ago by Paper Towel Dealer#6663 for "mass freekill". I cannot remember when this was because ive tried to get the hours off of the guard ban (I've gotten about half off) but it was the time of the last update. A few prisoners said that I could kill them because it was the last two minutes before the server restarted so I killed them and the server restarted and I didn't go back on until the next day, then I was guard banned. I feel like my guard ban should be removed or have minutes taken off because even if I did kill the wrong prisoners it was the last two minutes of the game so it didn't really matter, and if I did kill the right prisoners they did say I could kill them and once again it was the last two minutes of the server before it was restarted. Thank you for your consideration


★ Donor ★
Nov 9, 2019
The Edge of the World
Regardless of a server shutting down soon, a round should still be played out as intended, even if the REDs gave you permission to kill them. However, given the circumstances, along with the staff member that did punish you doesn't remember doing this, I'm willing to let this slide and remove the teamban. Remember what I said above and don't do this again, or future appeals may not be so forgiving.

Appeal Accepted.
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