Declined Unisolation Request for Discord

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
South Africa
1.) Discord username with discriminator:

2.) What happened?
I'm not exactly sure the reason for my isolation, however I have speculation to believe it revolves around a tag I made regarding Bappo's Ban. The tag in the question was:
wln!t byebappo (screenshot of his isolation and ban). Once I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, I had Direct Messages from Karma telling me that I've been isolated for "Flaming". Confused I thought it was about our argument we had, however I found out it was for the tag I made.

3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you?
I admit, I am guilty and there is no real reason to unisolate me, but in my opinion, I've been an active member for months now and have had a clean record until now (Except for "spamming chat with alts" which I believe was an inconvenience.) as well as the fact that I wasn't actually aware that creating tags regarding punishments or bans that weren't jokes could result in a punishment.
Therefore I humbly request that I am removed from isolation, however this is a serious inflicted punishment because it was provided by Xypher themself. I do sincerely apologise for flaming a highly controversial subject and hopefully won't willingly do to again.
★ Thank you for allowing me to appeal. ★
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