Why is it so hard to do **anything**


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Dec 9, 2017
The more time you take doing it over and over again, the better you get. Lemme share a story...

There's a map called "Surf Overlook" on TF2. It's a surfing map and it's quite tricky to reach the end.
I have a friend, who was finding difficulties to complete it, so I taught him some simple tricks with the Soldier class, and one day, he completed it.
He tried it another time, but it sometimes resulted into a failure. So, for him to master this map, I lied to him... I said that, If you complete the map 2 times under 3 minutes, you will get cool power-ups like a Super Shield, Inf over-heal and access to a music room (Which was a lie, there were another tricks for them...)
So, he tried. He tried very hard. He tried to do it MANY times. Every time I was online, he said "reck, overlook pls". It was because he wanted to WIN. He had a GOAL! He knew that, if he completed the map 2 times under 3 minutes, he will get what I told him, but who knew that it was a lie! Just to make him better at it... So one day, I changed my profile name and joined spec and there, I saw him, perfectly completing the map 2 times, in 3 minutes... But, when I changed back my name and joined a team, he asked me... " yo reck, I've tried to complete the map 3 times under 3 minutes (he lied to himself, unknowingly), but I still got no inf health."

So, I told him that he shouldn't pick the soldier class and try it as sniper, engie, med or spy.
I told him that because unlike the other classes, these ones had no special ability to aid in a surf map completion. No blast jumps, no double jumps, no Jetpacks or anything. And he did it! He even got slightly better than me on that map! Still today, he has no idea that the things I told him were lies, but HE IS STILL TRYING! Even he got to complete the map, which was his aim, he is still training to complete taking less time.

And today, he took minutes instead of hours to complete the same thing that he tried to do over and over again. You just have to set goals, and sometimes lying to yourself can help you... But you don't give up... I gave up too. I gave up Engineering and IT courses midway to join a culinary school... It was hard, very hard... And today, I regret the day I gave up because today, I suffer physically. But, I know... If I leave the culinary world and my bakery courses and resume my IT courses, I'll suffer mentally... Just like before. So I know that I shouldn't give up until the right time has come and go within the flow. Seriously, the first 3 months in an industrial bakery were like hell to me but today..., I can do it at ease because I took my time to go within the flow.

You only give up on things when you are still a student, but you will know the pain of giving up when you reach adulthood and when you search for a job. You'll know that, if you hadn't give up at school, you would not be in this situation today...
Think professionally. Perform it professionally. Be a professional, a tryhard!
So, Best of Luck!
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Aug 29, 2019
My conclusion to your story there Flute is to lie to people that there's something good on the otherside of the finish line to motivate them to get there, and when they go past it and don't find anything, tell them you actually meant a different finish line further along.
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★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
My conclusion ...

I don't always lie but if I do it, then it's for the benefit of others.
I know that a simple harmless white lie is still a lie, but without it, he would never reach a pro level that fast.
I only did that because he needed assistance, but I wasn't always around and I concluded that he should do it by himself. Even sometimes, I had to change my ID to watch him try.

If you work smart, you'll reach the top.
But if you work hard, you'll reach farther.
(I don't remember where I saw this quote)

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