TF2 A simple guide to farm and use WL credits on the Servers!


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
So, Hello everyone! Many people have been asking me how did I or most VIPs reach over 1 Million credits on the Wonderland servers. This simple guide will teach you how to farm and preserve your hardly earned credits, and use them the right way and at the right moment!

First Tip- Learn the Credit Drop ratio
The credit drop ratio is 6 per minutes. However, VIPs and VIP+ gets aproximately 15-30 Credits per 2 minutes respectively. (Get VIP/VIP+ HERE): A simple way to get more drop ratio is by adding the Community server's server tag, mainly as: =WL=, or to your name. These tags must be added to your Steam profile name (Not the in-game tags that you can equip via !shop or !store). Having the tag will increase your credit drop ratio from 6/1* to 21/1 (6+15) in every 4 minutes.(15/4 for having a Wonderland name tag)

*Ratio: credits/minutes

Tip 2- Collecting gift packs.
Collect gift bundles after an enemy or a teammate gets killed.
Collecting these should make you receive from 1 to 100 credits. (I usually do it on Surf servers, where you can easily go into an enemy spawn and kill AFK players. Make sure not to camp for too long!)
There are sometimes where people usually drop 'gifts' when they do not want an item. Picking it up and reselling it can be useful. (Mostly chat colors and Auto-Bhop)

Tip 3- Maths
Mathematics are one of the most legit and easy way to earn store credits. It can be between 1 to 20 Or 5 to 200 in some servers. The way to get them is by replying directly a math question in chat. (Like: [Math] 2+2= ?? >180 credits< , you just answer '4' in chat) And yes, I have a small pocket calculator on my desk, and don't be afraid to use one on difficult questions! And be first to reply, or you will get nothing.

Tip 4- The store
When you want to farm credits, you should not buy fancy Name tags and colors every-time. (like you badly want that $Credit Farmer$ tag, and spend all your credits on it.) Make sure the you do not want your credits to be lower 30 000 if you are new. Always check the internet if you have any doubts over chat colors and the meaning of the name tags. Do not buy useless things, and items over 100 000 Creds should be kept untouched until you reach over 500 000 Credits. (It will be easier for future shopping)

Auto-bhop (Automatic Bunny Hopper) is one of the most wanted Miscellaneous store Item. MANY people has asked others credits ONLY to purchase it. However, it is sometimes considered to be useless or useful (Players' choice) I recommend people to use professional types of B-hopping. There are many useful tutorials on how to Bunny-Hop on YouTube. (very useful on casual also, as it can trick your enemies or dodge head-shots.)

Tip 5- Playing in the servers, Idling and Maintaining a good server connection.
The more hours you have on, the more credits you get. To check your wonderland profile, Go to Discord , browse the 'Bot' Channel and type: wln.p *your_steam_profile_name* (Without * / _)

Tip 6- Be nice to people, specially staff members. (or the "One and Only'' himself :3 )
Being nice, polite, friendly and having a good reputation on a server makes you get lots of friends. Most of my credits are from great friends I have on, even If they are not steam friends. NEVER beg for credits/items from a STAFF MEMBER OR THE OWNER! Once you are recognized to be a good Wonderlander, people will automatically gift you credits. (And more than 300 000 of my credits are from these friendlies)

Tip 7- Sharing and preserving credits
Many players like to beg and ask for credits every-time they meet you. Do not spend credits everyday or you will never beat 100 000/500 000 or 1 000 000. Do not lend credits, expecting him/her to return them to you one day.
Set goals of Farming. (If you are a Farming gamer, then it will be easy). Like- ''I will not spend creds on store until I reach 200 k...''

Bonus- Forums
If you have any suggestions on how can someone earn credits, you can post it {HERE}
Also, people usually do Giveaways where you can also participate and may actually win something.

Using the !trade command will let you trade in-game (WL) items for other items or credits. to offer credits (In the trade) type !offer *amount* (e.g- !offer 5000) The offered amount will be seen on the trade menu.

You can also gift another players your credits. the Command is : !gift *playername* *amount*
Example, If I have to gift a player named ''You know Who'' 5300 credits, I would type: !gift you 5300 OR !gift know 5300. You don't need to type the person's full name, unless there is another player that have the same initials in their name.

NOTE: Do NOT trade these in-game credits for Virtual items OR scam people (Like "Give me 100 000 credits, I will make you a VIP, etc...") Doing so is punishable or will make you lose specific ranks.
Credits are trade-able with the command !trade.

I, Reckless Flute Guy (Known as =WL= (W)reckless), took my time to make this guide. Please, do not steal it and post it elsewhere.
People who helped me: S.A Eight; VIP Chrono; Ad. Xanerio and The one and Only, Mr Xypher. (Don't laugh on my formality...)
If you liked this post, don't forget to rate it and if you have anything to add, or share your tips, you can post in in the reply section. Thanks.

More guides coming, not only on games, but for real life events like cooking...


★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jul 15, 2017
TBH at first I was kind of worried you were going to make a guide on some credit generating exploit that you thought was fine x) but of course that's not what happened.

Anyway, good job with the guide, and keep up the good work! :)


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
List of chat colors:
  • Haha
Reactions: BonkMaykr