Accepted Discord ban appeal.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2018
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:

I was banned from the discord for "nsfw directed at minor staff member"

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I read the rules, lets start out with that. and from my perspective, the "no nsfw" section was limited to sexual imagery and overtly sexual conversation or text.
While I understand that pushing not safe for work content towards minors is not only against the rules, but illegal, I ask you as to how I am supposed to know that the person I directed the message to was underage? There is no viable way for me to verify the age of the member outside of directly asking them if they are underage, which is suspect to begin with. And to go further, if I am required to ask the age of the other member prior to any conversation taking place to make sure they are protected?

Furthermore I would like to state that this could've been handled with much more ease, had I been informed of the members age and a warning/punishment. Instead of an immediate ban from the discord server without a message explaining the reasoning, and having to reach out to a staff member through DMs to ascertain the reasoning for my ban.

The rules, from my perspective are "open to interpretation", as they leave significant gaps in what is explicitly disallowed and what me, or any other member, has to guess at whether its against the rules or not.

Regardless of if you decide to keep me banned from the discord server, let me at the very least help you make your discord rules more clear and uniform, rather than having large areas where it continues to be a grey area, so as to prevent incidents like this from happening again.


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Sep 29, 2019
I understand that you were unaware of their age, however, calling somebody a "cum dumpster" is still nsfw. I'll remove your ban, however, you will be permanently iso'd and for that you will have to wait 6 months to appeal. And to address your comments on the rules, they are quite explicit on what you ought not to say/do.

Appeal Accepted
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