I am leaving


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
Yesterday I took a second to lie down in my bed and think. I thought about a lot of things, my future, my friends, and most importantly my mental health. I took a step back and realized, regrettably, that wonderland has been a detriment to my mental health. I find myself more angry with not only myself but also with the people I would consider friends. I've become increasingly jaded and rude, frustrated, and just generally unhappy. So, I came to a conclusion. I have to leave Wonderland behind.

Now, I don't want to leave this thread off on a negative note. I don't want to make it seem like I have only had negative experiences with the community because I have had plenty of positive experiences within the community as well. I've made some great friends and met people that, never in my entire life I would've ever thought of meeting.

I really wish I did not have to leave. I wish I had made some better decisions in the past, specifically with people in this community. But, the past is in the past. It certainly has been a ride, and one that I wish I could stay on. But it's about time that I move on to greener pastures, for good.

Farewell Wonderland, I wish only the best for all of you.

Zach, out.

Deleted member 162

Yesterday I took a second to lie down in my bed and think. I thought about a lot of things, my future, my friends, and most importantly my mental health. I took a step back and realized, regrettably, that wonderland has been a detriment to my mental health. I find myself more angry with not only myself but also with the people I would consider friends. I've become increasingly jaded and rude, frustrated, and just generally unhappy. So, I came to a conclusion. I have to leave Wonderland behind.

Now, I don't want to leave this thread off on a negative note. I don't want to make it seem like I have only had negative experiences with the community because I have had plenty of positive experiences within the community as well. I've made some great friends and met people that, never in my entire life I would've ever thought of meeting.

I really wish I did not have to leave. I wish I had made some better decisions in the past, specifically with people in this community. But, the past is in the past. It certainly has been a ride, and one that I wish I could stay on. But it's about time that I move on to greener pastures, for good.

Farewell Wonderland, I wish only the best for all of you.

Zach, out.
I wish nothing but the best to you too. Keep focusing on yourself, and i'll miss you.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2018
I kinda know what you mean, I have a slightly different problem. Sometimes I wish to just leave tech, social media, gaming etc. as a whole. But I can't. I have so many friends that I cannot leave them for the longterm. I'm basically kinda addicted to chatting with everyone I know. I know that it would be devastating to many of them if I left, including myself, because I cannot live with the thought of them being sad over me disappearing. My friend left discord once and basically got a break from all relating to tech, and I was devastated for a few months until I fully "recovered" from it. I don't want anyone to feel the same if I disappeared, even though I know my life would certainly be better without them. I don't mean it negatively, of course. They're all very good lads, and I love them, but it would be better if I never met them. Sure, they brought me hundreds of hours of fun we had together, but look at me now. I can't leave them. Making friends over the internet is, from what I learned, a bad thing, because if you leave the internet, you won't ever meet with that person again. If you only communicate with real life friends via the internet, then that's fine because you can always hang out, but if you're European and your friend is American, or even more than 200 miles away, well, tough luck. I'm sorry for turning this into my own story, but I just thought it's worth sharing since I kinda do deal with something similar right now. There's great, fantastic friends that you wish you never met because if you ever leave the internet (or in your case, the community), you'll hurt the both of you. The friend will be sad about you leaving and you will be sad about having to leave them, sort of like how the community just witnessed the disappearance of a fellow great member. Some things are irreversible, we have to be careful with our choices, because if we ever were to change our mind, it'll be a strong and sad decision. Like they say, the strongest choices require the strongest wills.
Anyway, goodbye to you, fellow player. I can understand your situation and how hard it is to make a choice like this. Like I mentioned before probably many times at this point - it's the type of situation where you know something is bad for you but you don't wanna let go, but to let go you must have the strongest wills.
Once again, I wish you a warm goodbye and best of luck in life!
(PS: I didn't know where to put this, I forgot to mention it in the text. Yes, various people I know do have a negative effect on my behavior, but they're still great friends and it would hurt to leave them)