Read Me Read Before Applying/Commenting - Open!

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Jul 13, 2017
Applications are Open
Your role as staff will be to ensure that the community remains welcoming and safe for everyone.
You will be expected to enforce the rules and the punishment guidelines.
You should be a positive influence in the community, as well as a good representation of what we expect from people in the community.

We expect our applicants to know the rules, express good behaviour as well as show consistant activity
When you apply, we will look into the below points -
  • The Applicants Behaviour
    • Spamming binds
    • Any kind of discrimination or derogatory comments
    • Disrespectful or provocative behaviour towards others
    • Needlessly arguing
  • Activity
    • Being staff will require you to remain active on the community
    • An inactive staff member is hardly staff at all, and takes up a place another applicant may be better fitting for
  • Knowledge of Rules
    • We don't expect you to have the rules printed and stapled to your walls, but you should be able to stop, assess what is going on, check the rules and then act
  • Application
    • Take due care and attention with your application. Make sure you have given any information that may help your case, and that you clearly have not rushed it.
    • If you are fresh to the community, then there is little point to applying. We need to know who you are, and how you act. If you joined last week, played for 4 days straight and apply, then it will be declined.
Once voting has started, applicants will only be accepted if the vote is 66% positive or more.

If the staff turnout is 50% or lower, we will extend the voting time by a few days. If the turnout is still low, we will use to result following the first extension.
Do not apply if you miss any of the below mandatory requirements-
  • No active punishments within the community
  • At least 15 years old
  • Have a server conection of at least 72 hours
  • Have a public Steam profile | Info
  • Your forum account must be at least 2 weeks old
  • You must have connected to the Discord at earliest 2 weeks ago
To create your application -
  1. Make sure you are logged into your forum account
  2. Go into the "Applications" node
  3. Go into the "In Progress Applications" node
  4. You'll see a text box with the prompt "Thread Title", copy and paste the below template
  5. Fill out the template
If your application is not matching the below format, then your application will be deemed invalid.

For the "requirements" section, please make sure to leave the or depending on which one is accurate.
Requirements (you can miss only one of these):
  • No VAC/game ban(s) within the past year. | Info |
  • No limited Steam account. | Info |
  • If you are missing any of the above requirements, please explain why -

Personal Info:
  1. Your Steam page link:
  2. Your Discord ID/Username:
  3. Your preferred pronouns:
  4. Your birthdate:
  5. Where are you from (timezone/country)?
  6. Do you speak any languages other than English? If so, which -

  1. When are you mostly available to administrate on the servers? Please be specific.
  2. Which server(s) do you usually play on?
  3. Have you ever held a staff position for another community?
    • If so, which community was it, what position did you hold, what were your duties, and how long were you there?
    • Do you have experience using SourceMod?
  4. Why should we accept you into the team?
  5. Do you have anything else to comment/add?
You cannot edit your application after 10 minutes, this will cause it to be declined.
Creating 2 applications at the same time will cause both to be declined, but will be treated as a single decline.
When creating the application...
  • Please select the option for "Poll" instead of "Discussion"
  • In the Message box, use the template below for your application
  • Set the Question as something similar to "Application vote", and then the possible responses as "Yes" and "No."
  • Lastly, please set the "Options" to
    • Yes to Allow voters to change their votes
    • No to the subsequent 3 options
  • Lastly, below the "Close this poll after:" option, you'll see "Hide poll results" and "Hide until poll closes". Tick both of these.
    • You have to tick the "Hide poll results" first
Your application should resemble the below -
Please see "Closing an Application" for what happens if your application is declined.
When your application is closed or declined, it will mean you must wait before you can apply again.
Below is which decline and how long you have to wait before you can reapply
  1. The first 3 times being declined - > 1 months between each
  2. 4th decline - > 3 months before reapplying
  3. 5th decline - > 6 months before reapplying
  4. 6th decline - > Must ask a Head-Admin before reapplying
Withdrawing an application is treated the same as it being declined.
Due to issues in the past with people posting inappropriate posts to applications, normal users may not add any information.
If you fit into any of the below categories, you can comment on applications -
  • The applicant
  • Current Staff
  • Honorary Members
If you do not fit into any of these categories, but have something to add. You can contact an Senior-Admin+ with the information you want to add. They can permit you to post, or can post the information on your behalf.

If you post when you are not permitted to, then you can be warned or worse, as well as having your post deleted.


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