TF2 What Is the most powerful and the least powerful class in tf2?


Forum Extremist
Nov 11, 2018
For me, Heavy is the strongest, Minigun DMG is ridiculously good for a class.
The Weakest though for me would be Medic, Combat wise.
The Crossbow for the medic and the Syringe Gun is really weak if you don't know how to aim properly.


Aug 29, 2018
For me, Heavy is the strongest, Minigun DMG is ridiculously good for a class.
The Weakest though for me would be Medic, Combat wise.
The Crossbow for the medic and the Syringe Gun is really weak if you don't know how to aim properly.
Well I main heavy and I could say he isn't the strongest class,because in highlander and comp snipers just destroy you and you are big target.


Mar 27, 2020
Strongest Class : Pyro - With enough skill and strategy, you can take down every class.
Weakest Class : I would agree, Spy's are fragile, head shots are rare in the heat of battle, back stab once and at least 5 opposing players will change to Pyros


Aug 29, 2018
Strongest Class : Pyro - With enough skill and strategy, you can take down every class.
Weakest Class : I would agree, Spy's are fragile, head shots are rare in the heat of battle, back stab once and at least 5 opposing players will change to Pyros
Well from what I saw,pyro is pretty useless in highlander because our team had a top tier pyro and he just got destroyed by the enemy heavy.But in casual play pyro can be pretty useful in the right place at the right time.


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
Strongest: someone with 5k hours of gameplay
Weakest: someone with 500 hours of gameplay.

In terms of class splash damage classes are the strongest. and the weakest ones are the ones who targets only one specific class.


B r u h M o m e n t
★ Donor ★
Aug 23, 2019
the Snowy Winterlands
I wouldn't say this is one definite answer because "most powerful" and "least powerful" can be interpreted in many different forms. Not only that, but all the classes have other classes that counter them, and depending on different situations one can be more powerful than the other and the opposite in others. It's situational. If you were to specify more like, highest DPS class or lowest DPS class, that could be a definite answer.


Aug 29, 2018
I wouldn't say this is one definite answer because "most powerful" and "least powerful" can be interpreted in many different forms. Not only that, but all the classes have other classes that counter them, and depending on different situations one can be more powerful than the other and the opposite in others. It's situational. If you were to specify more like, highest DPS class or lowest DPS class, that could be a definite answer.
What I meant by strongest is a class at its peak potential.Why I said I thought it was sniper because he can deal 150 damage in any place at any time.Why I said spy is because his weapons aren't strong enough to deal damage and his kits only fool bad players.Even if you are a good player you will still get killed by a good sniper.
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I wouldn't say this is one definite answer because "most powerful" and "least powerful" can be interpreted in many different forms. Not only that, but all the classes have other classes that counter them, and depending on different situations one can be more powerful than the other and the opposite in others. It's situational. If you were to specify more like, highest DPS class or lowest DPS class, that could be a definite answer.
If You ever played comp and telling by your hours,not that much (no offense) sniper is like your death sentence.
Imo sniper is the strongest and spy is the weakest.
Well, each class is strong in their own rights,
Of course some classes can do more damage at once but others can deal more damage over time.
some are slower and some are faster.
the strength of each class is dependent upon the player that is in control.
I play scout the most and you learn to not get hit, to dodge rockets, to stay away from melee attacks, and to be basically a fly.
Basically, each class is strong in their own rights and their strength is dependent upon its player
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★ Donor ★
Nov 26, 2018
the ISS
Theoretical Peak - Sniper, if we're talking aimbot levels of aim with perfect positioning its a no brainer.
Human Peak - Scout/Soldier, both have insane mobility and crazy damage. I can't choose.
Worst - Spy, extremely easily countered against a team with awareness/comms.
Finally. Thank you, thank you very much for understanding how the game works. Could not have said it better myself.


★ certified qt ★
★ Donor ★
Apr 24, 2020
Deep forests of Finland
Scout is the strongest due to his generalist design, fast movement speed and double jump and enormous amount of dpm in close range. Weakest I'd say is Heavy due to the lack of mobility and ability to only deal damage to only single targets. He's outclassed by pretty much most other classes and can barely defend himself in a 1v1.


Still in college
★ Donor ★
Jul 19, 2017
Scout is all round the best at controling fights.
But if we are talking about 1 on 1 situations, a pro spy easily beats every class in 1v1.
If we are talking about Point to point, or objective based game modes, I would say, Scout, Pyro, Medic and soldier are strongest.

Scout controls the tempo of fights, has large burst damage, as well can play heavily objective based, whilst also being able to pick of most opponents without a problem.

A skilled pyro has nearly as much mobility as scout, but plays much more offensively, with the detonator, the pyro can control a fight from ranged, or can rotate by flare jumping.

Medic, is all round the best class in the game, no arguements, but not the strongest in DPM not at all.

Soldier's have more movement and momentum in games than any other class purely for rocket jumping, as well as being able to burst down enemies shortly, on top of being able to open up rotations from Engi's and other locking classes.

These 4 classes are the strongest imo, not in damage exactly, but in versatility and from a comp standpoint anyway.
That being said, the only class with low DPM is Engi, because if we are talking about 1v1's no player actively lets an Engi build, as well his guns don't have the pace to control the outcome of a battle, unlike scout.


Still in college
★ Donor ★
Jul 19, 2017
Ok pls explain how a spy wins any 1v1...
Okay, so i was very vague the way i mentioned this, but a skilled spy will actively do better than any other class in 1v1 combat if they have map knowledge, trick stabbing as well its quite easy too get headshots with the ambassador, yes he has recieved countless nerfs, but I still think spy can easily be one of the best classes in 1v1's.

This is purely hypothetical, but it is very dependent on the scenario each class is placed in, but in the majority of times a skilled spy can trickstab most classes or clean them up quickly with ambassador.

Thats just my opinion though.