what's your guys' opinion on the current state of Jailbreak, and if you could improve it, what would you do?


Mar 22, 2022
Instead of having people bind a command (!W) to be the warden it should be randomly selected amongst blue team because I often get in a game and get the same jerk who makes it out of cell rebel day and then says bomb rush to this marker and then kills the majority depending on who listens to what, Over and Over. I just leave the game at that point.
Actually now that I've played jb as a warden for like 50 games in a row, just bring back the !fire warden command lol. I now am super active on the Minecraft jb server but I'm looking forward to that map rotation.


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Sep 25, 2021
heres my opinion on it:
i would remove a lot of the maps nobody likes/plays on from the map pool, a few being
  • jb_quake
  • jb_minecraft_dynf_v10d
  • jb_minecraft_night_final
  • jb_alkatraz
  • ba_hopjb_v8 (and replace it with v11)
i would also allow scouts to have double jump by default, however to get triple jump if you have the atomizer, you would have to rebel first. i’d also make it so that killing a guard drops their primary weapon, however with only half the ammo they had (unless it was already below half). i would also make it so that heavies can have the banana by default, and they do not need ammo to get it, although this will only apply to the banana, not other food items. i would also remove the razorback warden has, as it makes being warden a lot more hard as you constantly have to watch for spies, especially on a freeday. it would also show how much you can depend on your blus to help you out in the case of a mass rebel. theres a lot more i would change, but i think this is enough
The current idea of jailbreak is nice, but everything seems repetitive. This isn't a must, but I feel as if warden should try alternative things between rounds to spice things up instead of doing the same thing(s) over and over. An example of this would be when you're playing bowling make it so the player has to hit an even number amount of pins to win. Even the simplest things can make a difference.


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Sep 29, 2019
probably adding events, or just re-doing the LR's because most of them are quite stale (like mega milk day). Perhaps adding more LR's that would do what Purge and Zombie Apocolypse, something like explosive bumper car day where it would force everybody to be in a bumper car and ram into each other and explode on contact. Something of that nature would add more variety.