Ask Me Anythingh


Clock With Legs
Honorary Member ★
Jul 3, 2023
what is your favourite wonderland jb moment 😅
Probably on 8-Bit, where it was me and someone else on RED team, the final two. We were at Minefield and the other guy exclaimed, "I love minefield" before blowing himself and me up, then the entire server started laughing lmao
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Story behind your username
About 4-5 years ago, I started to call my aunt (her name is Melissa), "Mele". It was mainly just a little joke between us, but it was taken to another level when she started to call me "Mitch" because it rhymed with the word bitch. So it became a nickname for me for her. One night, I wanted to change my Roblox username since I had 1000 Robux to spend, and I was trying to think of a "cool" username. I thought of the nickname, then though of other M words that would go good with it, thus Mighty was the result. I wanted some cool numbers, and for some reason 618 came to mind and it stuck. Thus, MightyMitch618 was born, and I never looked back.