Recent content by sick

  1. sick

    Declined 2nd ban

    So i got banned for my 2nd time, and it was the same reason, "advertising other servers" it wasnt on purpouse So, why should i be unbanned? Well it was mistake and i didn't do it on purpouse
  2. sick

    Accepted Sorry

    Alright, i was confused, since i didn't know what reason i got banned for, i added an admin and asked why, and he simply replied with the reason i stated, but do i stay banned or what is the results of this?, either way im sorry for the thing that made me banned
  3. sick

    Accepted Sorry

    Alright so, i couldn't add the my steam profile link into the appeal, so here it is:
  4. sick

    Accepted Sorry

    I got banned for "Promoting another server", it got 2 points and i can see why the admin decided to ban me, i told a person to "mge me", which is a joke phrase, atleast according to me. The thing is that Wonderland do got an MGE server, and i wasn't refering to it, i wasn't refering to a server...