Recent content by Silver Night

  1. Silver Night

    Accepted Silver's Unban

    Apologise i forgot about that 1 (done) i disagrre with ur statment about what they do but lets agree to disagree
  2. Silver Night

    Accepted Silver's Unban

    Also the nss group is not bassed around cheating its bassed around protecting friendlys on trade servers, they have a handfull of hackers to kill other hackers
  3. Silver Night

    Accepted Silver's Unban

    so i have been banned for joining friedns group and im gonna remain banned untill i un friend em? (i left the nss ages ago, this ban is old)
  4. Silver Night

    Accepted Silver's Unban

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Uknown 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: Silver is innocent! Silver Was not given a proper trial or lawyer, He also was not Read his rites or been...