Recent content by TheCandyCaneChef

  1. TheCandyCaneChef

    Declined Return: Declined appeal

    Well shit, I couldnt reply due to my wifi being down which my ban appeal got declined. (Sorry if this is agaisnt the rules, just wanna get unbanned) 1. I live in the United states but I recently went to Nevada and took my computer to play on the servers so thats probably why the IP was messed up...
  2. TheCandyCaneChef

    Declined Unban

    Sorry for the late reply, barely got the message. But I do not use a VPN service nor do I have any connection with the accounts you have leaked. This is my only account I use and I dont understand how they have the same IP address as mine, or linked towards me. I searched up what does it mean...
  3. TheCandyCaneChef

    Declined Unban

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I got a message saying I have been banned and I checked my bans and it had said I've been banned for a Duplicate account? I do not have another account and dont...
  4. TheCandyCaneChef

    Declined Can I get unbanned (appeal)

    So I joined a Wonderland.jailbreak server on tf2 and I felt the urge to troll. I decided to join blu team just to freekill and mess with my friends. I then got a message for mass freekill and got kicked off the server, swell getting a message saying ''You have been banned, see forums at...