Recent content by Yunnan Clique

  1. Yunnan Clique

    Accepted Banned for being in cheater group but actually aint cheat

    ok, i will more carefull about joining groups in future, i promise.
  2. Yunnan Clique

    Accepted Banned for being in cheater group but actually aint cheat

    So a few months ago i was part of group, (i think friend invinate me to this group) which was cheater group... and i get banned by script on you servers, but i never cheat in tf2 (i only used steam achiev. manager thats all) but if u see i can prove in any way that i dont cheat, you can just...
  3. Yunnan Clique

    Declined Banned for being part of group, which im never be in.

    Ban Infomation Link = So situation looks like that, a few months ago im playing with my friend and exploring some trade maps and we are found a server with funky one... yup, yours one but after i join i get...
  4. Yunnan Clique

    Declined Did i am a idiot? (Perma-Unban Apeal/Question) < my comm. id < ban id, or something idk how to name that. So my situation is look"s like that. Start Played TF2 with my Pal"s today < We are about...