admins please reply

  1. L

    Invalid please unban me (im lops)

    Iknow the "i will rape u so hard" thing but it was a joke i was playing with my friend and we do dark humor and these jokes please unban me i didnt mean to offend and my friend took it as a joke i didnt say it wrongly u can ask him i will leave his id here...
  2. Adam!

    Declined Adams Appeal.

    So um as you can see i have been muted and gagged for a day, i believe this should be appealed. To start things off i wasn't doing or saying anything racist? So i'm heavily confused as to why that is there. I guess they could have been confused between me and the VIP who was being racist, but...
  3. Aries D Venomous

    Accepted my first Unban appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: i checked my ban info and it said "advertising other servers" but i was mic-spamming so idk how i was advertising other servers. 3.) Tell us why we...