unban petition

  1. garfield_64

    Declined Banned by no reason

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199397663606/ 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Well i was playing with a friend in a server of wonderland i was afk a bit and by no reason i got banned for cheating 3.) Tell us why...
  2. bzya

    Declined Unban the curious

    1.) Добавьте ссылку на блокировку своего профиля, если применимо: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199079753425/ 2.) Объясните, что произошло/почему вас забанили: Привет. Я стал жертвой своего любопытства . Один игрок, никнейм которого я не помню, воспользовался эксплойтом для солдата...
  3. I

    Come on, Can't you give me a second last chance?

    Come on... Don't you feel bad for me? I loved wonderland so much.. I just woke up and turned on tf2 and immediatly joined wonderland like often! I played it almost everyday.. Can't you please give me a second last chance?
  4. yonuncavitv1

    Invalid Please unban my account from your server.

    1.) Include your ban profile link: Id/yonun 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: As far as I know, the things I did that may have violated your community guidelines and/or rules are: Chat spam and/or abusive language. 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: Your server is pretty...