
  1. ❤️ Cookie ❤️

    Cookie's general post ;D

    Yo, i'm cookie. Some of you might not know me because i main Otaku Gaming tf. There are some wonderland players know me thru their discord server and its been fun really. I talk there a lot, more than i do in otaku gaming discord server. After this sickness and exams, imma main on wonderland...
  2. Nilsber CZ/EN

    Declined Ban appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/adamekbocek/ 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was just playing Surfing server, then some sniper killed me and it somehow banned me :'( 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: Because I didnt do anything wrong :(...
  3. Nilsber CZ/EN

    Invalid Random ban when playing Surf server

    So As I was saying on Wonderland group discussions... No, I still didnt got it, I do not have any lmaobox or some kind of cheat, I do not have any alt, I only play on this account , I never hacked! I can show you many proof! Just say and I wil show you some proof if you want! Im not joking, Im...