4th AMA cause i'm bored


★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
If a psychic could tell you what will happen in the future, what would you want to know?

If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?

What are some of your favourite quotes and why do you relate to them?

Thanks after answering.



the one with many names
★ Donor ★
Jun 25, 2019
If a psychic could tell you what will happen in the future, what would you want to know?
i want to know if i'll be remembered for something.
If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
can't really tell you that lol.
Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
irl friends are assholes. (most of them anyway)
What are some of your favourite quotes and why do you relate to them?
i don't know.
Where was the point when you realise yourself as girl?
i just thought about it for a while, and didn't think i was meant to be male.
Why are you a good girl?
assuming i'm good : (
Hows life treating you since you transitioned?
pretty much the same, but mostly cause i haven't told anyone irl (except probably my mom but idfk). school is still hell and i hate everything 60% of the time
Are there any anime you are interested in watching/are currently watching?
no but if you suggest anything i'll think about it.
Why do you create all these AMA's?