Invalid Appealing Ban

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Jul 23, 2019
Hello I'm Rainimator so when I got online I decided to play tf2 my with my friends but there username they put (Pan Gang) and there was a guy who was called Jimjam The Flimflam l Pan Gang He is the owner of Pan Gang so my friends got into the gang because of a strange shooting star if they got into a raid but I only joined because my friends where in it can the guy seemed like a pretty chill dude so I decided to put Pan Gang on my username I didn't think I would get banned but I did because I was gonna play one of my favorite server Zombie Escape today but it said I was banned and go appeal the forums but I got confused by the step 1 but it then said I was banned because of raiding I never Raided in my whole life then I decided to check what it said on the group but it said this about 10 hours ago SO (RECENTLY PAN GANG GOT BANNED FROM WONDERLAND OVER SOME BULLSHIT So, WE BOUT TO TAKE OVER THE SPIRIT SURF SERVER INSTEAD) so I was already mad and left the group and changed my username and told my friends to leave so I wanted to have a 2nd chance to play on your servers its fine if u declined but all I just wanted to do is play on ur servers again. Also Heres my Steam IP sorry if I didn't put it in the report
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Nov 20, 2018

Please read this and make a new post please.
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