Accepted Appealing for Guardban

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Nov 12, 2021
Hello to whoever is reading this,
I've been guard banned for "Free killing" and here to ask for both an appeal and more information and details.
So, I recently acquired a guard ban, which I assume, is for accidently free killing a red by closing a door, as a result, I quickly killed bind after noticing my mistake and then left for other activities. I can't tell it's sufficient information for an appeal and I wouldn't blame you otherwise but I'm posting it since it's worth the shot to try in my opinion. Furthermore, I'm here to ask If there's any information to prevent this from reoccurring or the proper steps to not get guard banned for repeating my mistakes, which I apologize if I do so, and if there's nothing, I'll try best to understand and wait out my guard ban. Thank you to whoever is reading this that currently holds the power to unban me.
Guest Le
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