Accepted Banned for IP sharing Wonderland servers

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2019
I was recently banned for sharing ips again. This time, I shared ips to Wonderland servers as I was told by staff that sharing other Wonderland servers is absolutely fine. I followed the rules, and only invited people to Wonderland servers. Did I make a mistake, or misunderstand? Unless I copied another server's IP by mistake, I haven't invited anyone to any other server not affiliated with Wonderland.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2019
I looked up the server host, I never shared an IP connecting to wolve's den. If this was the case scenario for the time I shared a gmod server then I apologise, I had forgotten about the rules in this event. But the rules do say advertising, and not inviting. I got confused and invited a friend to a gmod server since there was only about 4 people there who all wanted to join me in a gmod game.
Edit: I looked further into the server host and the IP I copy pasted isn't public either.
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