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Command Suggestions

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2019
Well, after seeing that the item qualities got denied (It's logical actually), these suggestions are technically cleaner versions of them.
1. A way to use a name and description tag on your weapons - Maybe a command called /ntag (nametag) and /dtag (descriptiontag) would be utilized to name and describe your weapons. After entering the command, there would be a prompt "Please enter your name/description for your current weapon" and you'd type in your name/description. Similar to the name mechanism in CSGO.
2. A way to add a strange quality to an item - Instead of adding every quality, why not just add the one that is interactive instead? It'd work like any strange, it'd give your weapon the strange quality and count your kills across every server you go to across WL. It'd even add the counter to skinned weapons.
3. Only adding the Australium quality to applicable weapons. - Similar to the command used in one server I go to, the /australium command only adds the quality to the weapons that can become australium. It's really annoying when you're killing people and you pull out your pistol and there's a golden statue when you kill with it.


★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jun 8, 2019
Positive- Have some interesting names.
I hate the statues.
Fun to track kills.

Neutral- Could be used maliciously the naming system. But so can all things.

Negatives- None that i see.

Verdict +1


★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jul 15, 2017
  1. Names/descriptions of items are usually left alone by staff. If we added those two commands, then we'd probably need to start enforcing against that, which I am also iffy on.
  2. Sure.
  3. I have never really had a problem with this. People may like the Australium effect on kills, too. Though, if there's enough of a demand, perhaps Australium for all weapons vs. applicable weapons could be toggled on/off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2019
  1. Names/descriptions of items are usually left alone by staff. If we added those two commands, then we'd probably need to start enforcing against that, which I am also iffy on.
I understand what you're saying. This could start a bunch of... Negative things. I've already seen a Strange Scattergun using the word "ape" and "monkey" before.
Maybe a censor to a list of disrespectful words? That'd take a long time, but whatever works. As long as it obliges to the rules.
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