Accepted Guardban for massfreekilling appeal

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Aug 15, 2020
1.) Include your ban profile link:

I can't connect my Steam account with this forum account because my Steam account is connected with my old forum account which I accidentally blocked.

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:

It was 2 years ago. I was playing as a guard, I misheard an order and I freekilled a bunch of inmates. Precisely, it was like "Out of cell rebel and the floor is lava" thinking that it was the same as "Out of cell rebel day and lava day" and when the warden said "Bombrush to the blue line closest to your cells" I killed anyone who got out. Frussly was actually the warden and he guardbanned me.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:

Expiring this guardban is very hard for me as I don't spend a lot of time on your community anymore because now I am busy administrating another one. Also I know the rules now so I won't do any mistake again.

What I'm saying is that if I want to play JB here I would still find myself guardbanned and try to expire it it's really annoying.

I hope you will give me another chance.

-Thank you for reading.
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