Declined I have done nothing like that

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Dec 20, 2023

I was currently playing another game platform with IRL friends and came back to my ban being for "raid group". And I know the drama going on within wonderland with a group called "STW" and the group called "Mafia"(STW came back on alts and raided the server doxing it multiple times) a war basically for a member of Mafia "S44" getting the old players "Anubis", "Kiyama", "Termopan", "Vanha", etc. Banned for some reason. And I was caught up in it yes because a lot of them were my friends, I do not deny being in both those groups. But it is because I really kinda make friends with everyone and I like to talk to them. I mainly spend my time in Achi Engi practicing and as my profile says I do it to fight the tryhards and truly disrespectful ones and hopefully let the newer players that are upset at getting killed have some fun like I did when I was newer. I got kicked from STW for some drama I started by helping a friend I really do not think should've been caught up in it. And resided with my friends in the Mafia group where we talked and played on random servers occasionally. I never "raided" anything I just played for fun, and I came back today wanting to play on the server again when I saw I was perma banned. I was never supporting either side of groups just attacked whomever attacked me, I just played with friends I never would support any raids. I hope you can see my side of the story clearly, thank you for your time and I do hope to get unbanned soon because I love the community and the people who play on them.
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