Declined i wanna appeal for perma ban on wln tf2 server

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Dec 22, 2022
Im sorry for my english if its bad
Apperantly i got banned for racism,nsfw and pedophilia which i dissagree with racism and nsfw.

First, i didnt say anything like n word but i admit i said nibba which i dont think is offensive cuz i didnt mean it as offense against other players.

Second, is nsfw which i dont even know what the freak did i do to get this kind of reason i dont have anything like objector with p*rn in it or even a objector.

Lastly, i'd like to explain the pedophilia, so i mocked user Fox_Gaming because for some reason he was acting offensively against me i was with Fox friend before, he was threatening me to "kill my self, drown myself" and other things.
I can send screenshots if anyone wants of him saying it.

I could only say that i would never say anything racist again "if it was racist then im sorry" and ignore other players so i could stay quiet in the chat and not mock other players.
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