Accepted I'm sorry.

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Sep 8, 2019
2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
So um, with luck let's say.. I found an exploit of server plugin to have unlimited uber after I spawned and then do "/civ" and I thought it would've been fun to go to others and make them laugh, and in the same time avoid ppl who would try to kill me, cuz I couldn't deal any damage to anyone as I don't have any weapon to use after I do "/civ". And then I guess someone found it bad and called an admin. The admin told me to get out of it and I respawned myself instantly, came back normal, he told me to not do it in the future and I will get banned for it. I thought I got a warning and said "I cause no harm", and in a second after that I got banned. I felt bad because I didn't want to get ban for it because I was harmless, and, warning could make me feel not feel bad, I would just never use it again as I would learn it's prohibited thing to do... It really hurted me when I saw the big "BANNED" infront of my screen.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I would love to have second chance. I really like the wonderland servers and I feel like I cant even bare 1 week of this ban. I promise I will never use the bug again, if I do, you can ban me permanently. I didn't mean to do something that would get me banned. Some people could not understand what's wrong, so that's why they should get warning in the first time... Thanks.
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