Accepted Isolated from the discord server.

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Catalan Spammer

Active Member
Jan 7, 2020
Pee Pee isle
1.) Discord username with discriminator:
Filibuster Obstructa#7642

2.) What happened?
I posted nsfw mementic content on the memes channel on mid april (if I am not mistaken) that got immediate notice from people and got me on permanent appealable isolation by someone with administrator powers.

3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you?
The day I posted that I was just blindfolded from reality and didn't even care about what i posted or whatnot. I just kept saying not to delete it whilst the people that noticed kept telling me to delete it. I shall never try to post content like that again and i don't want to leave the discord for i have met a lot of likeable people in there like sand and ice. As much as i have adapted to other servers during my isolation period i don't want to let go of the discord.
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