Invalid Isolation appeal

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Mar 2, 2023
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
Having only joined the server for a couple of hours I wanted to contribute in the #serious channel. I noticed someone there had mentioned he and/or she had expressed their personal opinion that they "Fucking love the Estrogen Burger". For those that are unaware - or simply have been kept out of the loop for one reason or another - the term Estrogen Burger refers to the 2019 "Impossible Whopper Estrogen" meme which became popular in the following days after a false claim published by Tri-State Livestock News on the amount of estrogen in popular fast-food chain Burger King's vegetarian Impossible Burger being 18 million times higher than the regular and readily available Whopper.

It is true that I was in the adamant knowledge this conversation was taking place in the #serious channel, I had considered the consequence of being told that a meme would be out of place, or at least, would go unappreciated by some.
When I told myself that (perhaps) a comment about one's burning desire for a culinary pinnacle as is the Estrogen Whopper or "Burger" could also be considered to be not - all that - serious by some, I became determined and swiftly looked up a parody commercial of the aforementioned fast-food chain I had discovered on a different, unrelated Discord server only a few days before the events described here.
In the commercial we see all the glamorous, smooth flowing shots of a delicious Burger King Whopper we all know and love. There are close-ups of onion rings falling perfectly into place on the cheese that has calmly settled on the brown, juicy and - most of all - succulent patty. There are various sizes shown to us, not small, medium or large. We see junior, double and tripple. There are flames burning like the Gehenna itself coming up through the grill these burgers are prepared on.
But what is this? We hear a voice, a deep reassuring and confident disembodied voice is kind enough to let us know we are now able to go to our local Burger King restaurant and order the new Whopper that has been added to their already so extensive and diverse menu.
But that's not all, dear reader, I hope you are seated. For what the voice disclosed to us next is not only unheard of before, it is unique and controversial to say the least. We are told this new delicious burger that comes in various sizes is made with due diligence, having customers wanting to have sexual relations with the burger in mind.
This is explained to us in various ways along with other information, which also includes the promise this Estrogen Burger will give you breasts "the size of basketballs".

A ridiculous concept to most, surely. Certainly not serious, hopefully.
While risking the chance of posting an unrelated - or perhaps even obnoxious - contribution in the #serious channel I did it anyway.
But not only that, I wouldn't say I unknowingly shared NSFW content, but I also truthfully didn't take into consideration the commercial could be viewed as such.

When another user - who might want to remain unnamed so for the sake of privacy we'll call him Carl - pointed out to me that what I was unappropriate I engaged and asked what it was I did wrong while expressing that it was honestly not my intent to break any rules or come across as malicious.

When Carl explained why I shouldn't be doing what I had done (i.e. share out of place and inappropriate content in the wrong channel that also might upset people or hurt their feelings) I apologized and let it be known to not only Carl but the whole server I would delete the video I had shared about 17 minutes prior. I did what I had promised and was thanked for it.
In return I thanked Carl for his and/or her patience and being understanding of my mistake.
We had come to an understanding and could continue the conversation if it weren't for the swift and long arm of justice striking hard and precise on my person like the loud, sparking thunderbolts cast down from the heavens by Zeus Himself.
"Isolation", they said. Carl agreed, though he and/or she was sorry to see me being cast out and exclaimed their remorse, they agreed.
Rules were, and will always be rules.
Therefore I now humbly consider my short, yet impressive (in the sense of leaving an impression) time as part of your community and server while residing in isolation.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
Some might look at this appeal and see a long, unappealing or even intimidating wall of text. Some might consider my appeal here as a joke or a waste of time, mine and/or yours. "TLDR" - or something along those lines - they'll say, which stands for Too Long, Did not Read for those unaware.
Others might see this appeal as a serious attempt to rejoin a server someone had only just discovered and wanted to take part of, be a meaningful and actively contributing member of, you could say and that this was their way of showing they can be serious when needed.
Yet, even some of those "others" will still not take or simply have the time at hand to read this appeal in it's entirety.
Some might consider this appeal to be both or all of the above.

Therefore I would like to summarize my reasons for submitting this appeal and requesting your consideration to unburden me from the shackles of isolation as short and simple as humanly possible;

I made a mistake and because I have learned from it I feel confident saying that it won't happen again.
There is a fine line between playing or being playful and - coming across as - inconsiderate. A fine yet clear division between having fun and intruding on others (usually by displaying ignorance).
It is for this reason I used my words and ability to assess the situation and act accordingly to prevent any further annoyances at the time of my crime.
If you feel the same way, I ask only you give me another chance.

The attached files will show the conversation Carl and I had at the time of the incident.



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