Resolved Mass Freekill + Sticky Trapping

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Anonymous (5faf)

SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: angry bean (Profile is a galaxy like triangle with a dog in it)
Date of incident: 6/29/2023
Server name / IP: (IP:
Proof of evidence in form of: Video

Explain what happened & include as much information as possible: These freekills occured over two seperate rounds, in one round, angry bean went warden and decided to bring everyone to sweeper, in which he forced all the reds to go on a singular podium and chose to jump on their heads as a demoman which caused every single reds alive to die except for one rebeller. In the second round, a different person went warden and placed a marker and told the reds to go to said marker, in which angry bean (still demoman) decided to place a few stickies and exploded them on the marker which caused a large population of reds to die.


  • Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp.mp4
    6.3 MB
  • Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp.mp4
    3.1 MB
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