Invalid Stupid reason to get banned.

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Aug 5, 2018
So, I had just returned from an hour long idle. I was playing spy, and backstabbing people, as well as headshotting people. No one seems to have a problem with it, except for this one kid. His name was "pyro main/hoovy fan." I had headshotted him and backstabbed him a couple of times and he got angry really quickly. Keep in mind, we have 2 other snipers on RED who are headshotting anyone who comes out of BLU spawn. Which led to them just staying in spawn and dancing. Nothing wrong with that, people are having fun in game chat and dancing. That's just TF2 for you. This one kid in particular came out of spawn doing the ice skating pyro taunt, and I stab him. He says stuff like "OMG KYS" "LIKE ACTUALLY GO KILL YOURSELF" "YOUR SO BAD". All of which I just respond to with a simple "ok". He keeps going on, and I keep stabbing him, since I see no reason to stop with him talking to me like that. A little bit later, he does !call. I was just waiting, and I didn't think I was gonna be banned, since I hadn't done anything that was against rules. One minute later, I get banned. I was banned for racism. I hadn't even said anything that was wrong, I just said "ok", each time he said something nasty. That shows he was abusing the call admin feature to get his way. I hope to be unbanned soon, because that's just dumb.


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Jul 15, 2017
If you are jacobminecraft2011, you were spamming a racist bind on LA Jailbreak, after two comm blocks & a ban for racism. I kicked you to put the ban into effect, this incident on FL Trade had nothing to do with that.
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