Yet again I get vote kicked...

Jan 20, 2019
Can you please remove the votekick feature in Zombie escape? I've got banned again for no reason. This has to be removed, I do have proof that I just got kicked again because the vote system was shown for less then 1 second which I cannot screen shot it. I know your rules but this is way too annoying. Why is the vote kick feature there if there is no point to it? Vote slay should be enough in any situation. People keep abusing it and you guys will probably tell me to send this somewhere else BUT this goes to nowhere. I complain about this> nothing happens aside from "You need Proof" If you think I'm being rude, sure you can say that but this has got to be removed ASAP the people there votekick anyone they choose it's getting ridiculous and yet nothing will happen even after I tell you this. I've seen multiple people get kicked because of this in a matter for 20 minutes! Here is the IP to the server:

Possible proof:

*DEAD* Demon Alastor : : !votekick
Team Fortress 2 killed LENIN with deflect_flare.
78CD48「RANK」 you got 6 points for killing LENIN
LENIN joined team RED
i paid 1million for this tag Team Fortress 2 : you guys are not eve playing the game
Pootis Angry frenchman : !kill
yarik19.2008 killed Stever123 with tf_weapon_fists.
Stever123 joined team RED
yarik19.2008 killed Stever123 with fireaxe. (crit)
Attempting to create unknown particle system 'weapon_unusual_energyorb_loose_cannon'
i paid 1million for this tag Team Fortress 2 : ...
*DEAD* Pootis Angry frenchman : yes
ffffff[FF69B4Mathffffff]FFFFFF 631 - 387 = ?? FF69B4>FFFFFF36 creditsFF69B4<
FFFFFFTry out different FF69B4WonderLand ServersFFFFFF! Type FF69B4!hopFFFFFF or FF69B4!serversFFFFFF for the server menu.
i paid 1million for this tag Team Fortress 2 : reporting you
i paid 1million for this tag Team Fortress 2 : enjoy the perma ban soon
Disconnect: " #TF_Vote_kicked.

Disconnect: " #TF_Vote_kicked.

Took this straight out of the console.

Alastor is most likely the one that randomly kicked me and they need to be punished harshly. Warnings should not be given at this point.

His profile:

They were not even playing the game and when I attacked them as zombie they kick me out.
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★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
I would appeal to find out why your banned for more information:

If you don't know how to appeal feel free to look at the link below.

With the votekick issue your having, if you want it the votekick system to be removed in zombie escape I would suggest it in the link below this text.
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