Random deathrun map


Sep 3, 2018
Here's a video demonstration of a part of dr_stardust. Only one more part to add to that specific area, so most of that activity is done.

Also less important but still somewhat relevant, death has some interaction in the minigame. https://aaw.ooo/sl16nf.mp4

PS the map is only 25 percent done. If you want me to give you like a paragraph of my plan, just tell me on this thread. Otherwise I take it nobody is reading or nobody cares.


Sep 3, 2018
Looks good but the music needs improvement at the end. I'm just not feeling that serious round end / endgame music something like this would fit good.

I really just took the soundtrack from the anime and used it in this section. Since it's only like part one of 4 (or 5, I'm not fully sure myself yet) I'm saving more extreme/cooler battle JoJo music for later.


Sep 3, 2018
Random naming of the map has started. Yey.


- Easter eggs in certain areas, so I don't forget them lol.
- Trying out skybox stuff. May or may not be failing miserably.
- Made minigame in the video demonstration easier.
- Made displacements around the minigame in the video demonstration nicer. No longer looks totally rushed.
- Animations for Silver Chariot in the video demonstration have changed. The large one now jumps when the game starts.
- Parkour part of the map should be done. Testing for it will happen soon.
- Removed Herobrine.
- Added Jotaro Ocean Man.

Hopefully will make another video demonstration to do with the parkour soon.


Sep 3, 2018
Here's a few images of the environment now surrounding the hotel shown in the video. They're references to other anime or similar topics.

Say "I love you"
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sword Art Online
Psycho Pass
Kyoto Animation

Now I get what a few people will say about that final one. I don't intend to make it a sick joke, or anything offensive or rude. It's just my own stupid way of saying thanks and paying tribute to Kyoto Animation, in the only way I can.

Anyway I've nearly finished this section of the map (but still no where near finishing the entire map).


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Jul 15, 2017
How am I just finding this thread?

Nice to see a JoJo Deathrun map being made, can't wait for updates. Video demonstrations of the mini-games look nice.


Sep 3, 2018
How am I just finding this thread?

Nice to see a JoJo Deathrun map being made, can't wait for updates. Video demonstrations of the mini-games look nice.

This thread had a shit map to begin with, lucky you found it later rather than earlier for once.

General message now: Video Demonstration #2 had a few models missing because R60D was working on them. Below are a few screenshots of what it looks like now the models are done.

Guarding the mirror
Hanging above the bed

Anyway now I'm going back to work on the spinner minigame, which has changed since I added these models. Instead of speeding up after 2 buttons, the spinner now changes directions. Soon, I intend to have it so that it's not just a spinner minigame against silver chariot. I'm hoping to add a parkour, set still in Tiger Balm Garden, but themed while the garden is maybe under construction?

I'm trying to keep this map feeling like tf2 enough so that anti-anime or anti-weeaboos or whatever can still enjoy the map. Another reason I'm calling it dr_stardust and not dr_jojo or something.
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Sep 3, 2018
After about 9 months of work, dr_stardust_a2 has finally hit public servers.

Now it's nothing too major, I gave a copy to 2 different server communities (that aren't wonderland so rip). One of the server communities is hosting the map for a week (as of my request), another is hosting it permanently (also of my request).

This is all I can really say about a2 update wise. Flexing-on-my-own-map wise, a fair amount of people added me overnight, and their first messages had something to do with stardust, each one being positive. So yeah, it got way more popular than any other map I've ever made. If that doesn't hype people up for the full release of this map, then I'll have to find something REALLY over the top to do that job.

Anyway, have a nice day.
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Sep 3, 2018

Small hint towards a large secret in the map. Some of my close friends already know my intentions, so the rest of you will have to wait and see.

Other than that, not too much has changed.
I changed one of the buildings surrounding the hotel to this.
I've been tweaking minigames to make them fairer but also still hard.
I've been adding a bit of scenery to certain areas.
Very basic start of a desert area before the fight against DIO here. (VERY BASIC)
Been experimenting with A few things like decompile protection (IID bsp) and Propper to make life harder for people who want to decompile my map (e.g. community servers that decompile maps to fix it for themselves like Skial lmao).

Anyway that's it really. I doubt I'll do public testing again until the final release, but that might change depending on how I feel.
And I apologise to the people who are watching this thread for such a useless post. If it annoys you, maybe just check in every month or so.

Anyway have a nice day.


Sep 3, 2018
Yey another semi-useless post.

The core map dr_stardust hasn't really progressed far. I've been working on fixing bugs and remaking traps to be more fair and look/act better. This has taken up about 2 months of production time. Lucky I now have a server I can test Stardust on so that'll hopefully speed things up.

Anyway here's the star of the show. EVANGELION BOSS AI!
FAQ about this:
Q: Is it like playstation's zurg boss ai?
A: Yes and no.

To win this, you don't hit the Eva. I won't say more than that, since it's all explained when this easter egg is started.
And yes I did just say that. This is an easter egg for the map. I doubt it'll become the best part of the map, due to my detail skills being below par.

Anyway once I finish this easter egg (or get somewhere near finishing the basic outline of the easter egg), the map will be in alpha 4 status, and I am THINKING about doing a public release for the map. If not public, it'll be a private release to servers I like/servers that ask me directly. If neither of those two, then I'm not happy with the end result of a4 and tough luck.

And while we're here, enjoy these development videos:
Kaworu AI
Kaworu walking
Kaworu trap
Remade first trap (the timing is better now. This was the first build of it and I don't feel like booting up stardust again just to record a 10 second video of a start of a map I've seen thousands of times by now).

Anyway hopefully you're all still slightly interested in this map? Cool, if you are, oh well, if you're not. Either way, have a nice day.
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Sep 3, 2018
After over a year of development, I've basically come to the really difficult conclusion that this project isn't worth all the time and effort I'm putting into it.

Maps like dr_playstation are universal. It's based off of games for the playstation console, and has minigames to do with some of the most famous games from the console. A map like dr_r60d is funny as it has memes that have a long lifespan, and can be enjoyed by everyone.

This map, dr_stardust, is not universal. The theme is anime, which puts a LOT of people off, I've found from playing on a few servers. Then it's JoJo's, which puts even more people off. Finally, the map theme and memes are JoJo themed. Not everyone can enjoy the map if they don't know the story, and the memes don't make any sense if they've never seen the show.

Working on a map this over-the-top for such a small audience really isn't a smart idea, as many people has stated to me. I still pushed on. I could drop the theming if I wanted, but then there would be nothing too special about this map. It'd just be another general parkour-deathrun map. Even then, a total retheme would take a hell of a long time. Time I'm willing to give up.

I'm sure I could drone on and on about other stuff that really doesn't matter, but here's where I'll just jump to the main message.

This map will ceace development after I finish dr_stardust_a4

This means after I'm done with a4, that's it. If I ever do return to working on the map, it'll mainly only be for small additions for a certain server, or a fix. But this is where another important message comes from this post. For a while I've been thinking about handing this project over to someone else, or even just releasing the .vmf file and seeing what happens, but in a gamemode as small as deathrun, there's no point (also as I stated, this is over a year of work. Handing over a year of work to someone isn't easy).

Hopefully those who even slightly enjoy the map aren't too disappointed. Hell you may have even seen this coming. It has probably been obvious from my attitude while in-game on this map. But whatever. I've said it. As I say, if I return to this map, it won't be anything big. If it is, then I guess it'll be because I had really nothing better to do.

Since I'm finishing at a4, let me just outline what a4 holds.


Added new "Evangelion" secret.
In dr_stardust_a3b, there is a button hidden out of bounds that someone with noclip or something, could hit, to open a basically impossible secret minigame. This has been finished, and is unlockable publicly. It is very rare and hard to unlock though. Here's something I can promise you though. It is EXTREMELY difficult to beat (mainly because it's unfair. The odds are stacked against you.), but if you do beat it, you get a special reward in the next round. Nothing too big, but it's a reward.

Finished the "SpeedWeed room".
You all know that one secret room in the hotel full of memes where you can change your model to a t-pose Jotaro? Yeah well now it is finished. Also you can't access it every round in a4. You were not supposed to be able to in a3b but I think entity encryption must have fucked something up there.

Added more things to do in Jotaro's house.
So the house where Holly is passed out, there isn't much. Literally just a room. Now, there's a locked door you have to find the key to open it, to continue. It will be hidden somewhere in the house.

Added small minor details, and fixed a bug to do with death and the spinner. This could be plants, buildings, adjustments to what death can see.

Some other really minor stuff. So minor I forgot to list it.


And as always, have a nice day.


Sep 3, 2018
Half a year later and I did a lot more work than I thought I would do. It turns out I won't be releasing it as dr_stardust_a4. I'll be releasing it as dr_stardust_v1. I have a new thread for deathrun stuff so if there's a place to archive this, feel free to do that since I don't have a use for this thread anymore.

Hopefully nothing goes wrong last second.