Recent content by Pb2kick

  1. Pb2kick

    Declined Mute and Gag Appeal Christmas gift this year

    It happened 6 months ago, I can only remember that I was playing on wild west map where I either got my mute or my gag there, I honestly cannot recall it properly since I stopped playing jb for 5 months I only started playing again around December. I suggest asking for the following Staff who...
  2. Pb2kick

    Declined Mute and Gag Appeal Christmas gift this year

    1.) Include your ban profile link: My Steam account is already linked to my forum account. 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Both my Gag and Mute happened 6 months ago, and I barely remember how I got those punishments. 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: I am fully aware...
  3. Pb2kick

    hi welcome to chilli’s!

    a n0mber six wid extra dicc
  4. Pb2kick

    TF2 Why did Valve abandon gamer support?

    Before you say "BeCAUse Of HOOF Loof :Awex" the game has been out for a month and valve didn't give no attention still to tf2 Like most people, I am waiting for dem cash updates like a 2fort citizen and like all of you I'm tired of Valve's bullcrap
  5. Pb2kick

    What is your favorite subclass, in Team Fortress 2, and why?

    Mr.IneedmanualhealthrecoverysoIwontdiefromafterburnsfromthoseAsspyroswhileIrunfromthemwhiletheychaseme loadout aka Blackbox Conch Whip
  6. Pb2kick

    Favourite TF2 map?

    Old favorites : everything in ctf new favorites : upward,borneo & mossrock community map : jump_jurf (muselk's favorite jump map) and the jump academy beta and jump academy 2
  7. Pb2kick

    What is the most Annoying part of TF2?

    No major updates in almost 3 years
  8. Pb2kick

    What’s Ur Favorite Hat?

    Team captain, since it represents leadership and power which I still lack RIP
  9. Pb2kick

    TF2 Bonesaw vs Ubersaw

    Ubersaw- pubs Bonesaw- zombie mod aka engineers vs medics
  10. Pb2kick

    Favourite Unusual Effect?

    Muselk's Exquisite Rack Kill-a-Watt since he's my favorite tf2tuber
  11. Pb2kick

    Resolved What's the difference between both mod and admin?

    yea im done with it
  12. Pb2kick

    Resolved What's the difference between both mod and admin?

    I'm not talking about their roles I'm pointing on their powers in a server
  13. Pb2kick

    Resolved What's the difference between both mod and admin?

    I mean like In-game abilities my friend TacticalPug said that Admins can do such things like being Saxton hale and stuff is it true?