Recent content by The pootis guy

  1. The pootis guy

    Yet again I get vote kicked...

    Can you please remove the votekick feature in Zombie escape? I've got banned again for no reason. This has to be removed, I do have proof that I just got kicked again because the vote system was shown for less then 1 second which I cannot screen shot it. I know your rules but this is way too...
  2. The pootis guy

    The vote kick system should be removed entirely

    Abusive players keep using it while people mindlessly press F1 and then people get kicked for no reason! Please this is an issue that has been happening constantly in Zombie Escape servers and I got kicked again because someone just wanted to. I'm not gonna point out who it is but PLEASE just...
  3. The pootis guy

    Invalid Was kicked (possibly banned but for some reason it's a kick...)

    So I was playing in that one minecraft map as a zombie spy, getting kills on zombie escape and then got vote kicked by someone there. He says that I cheat despite just playing zombie spy. I have no evidence but all I can say is that I got votekicked for playing zombie spy and I did nothing out...
  4. The pootis guy

    I need to know something about Zombie escape...

    So I was kicked out of the server for playing spy (the guy called me a cheater when I was just playing the game as a zombie spy) How long as a kick last for? I've been waiting for almost 4 hours and still getting kicked automatically, also forgot on whoever vote kicked me but this keeps on...
  5. The pootis guy

    Invalid abusive votebanning users in zombie escape... no screenshots but that's why I used the console to get it, I got banned almost instantly.
  6. The pootis guy

    Invalid abusive votebanning users in zombie escape...

    So I've been vote banned by półśki półąk Steam community link: Server: The ban is 45 minutes as usual but this happens many times and I was unbanned recently. I have proof in my console of everything here (no screen...
  7. The pootis guy

    TF2 Auto Ban For No Reason

    Hi I know this is not the same but we have MANY ISSUES with the zombie escape server, I just got vote banned by półśki półąk because I used the caber, can you please punish this person? He abuses the voting system and I clearly did not exploit. This is my proof (I'm Candy Pyro, pretty much...
  8. The pootis guy

    Resolved Problem with cosmetics on zombiemod server

    There is also an issue with the !weps command in (Zombie Escape) not that related with this thread but people keep using game breaking weapons there and I don't like how I was banned for using the boston basher while others still use it and did not get banned yet (this...
  9. The pootis guy

    Declined Broken Command (!weps) in your zombie server and that got me banned....

    Why I got banned: Using !weps to "exploit" zombie escape Why I should get unbanned: I know it's not fair to use weapons like the boston basher, baby face, jumpers, and jetpack but couldn't you just remove the command all together? I got a ban for using the boston basher as a flying weapon...
  10. The pootis guy

    Invalid Was vote banned by

    What for exactly? Because I owned the survivors in zombie escape, can you punish this user by any chance? and I want to remove my ban. Also PLEASE CHANGE YOUR VOTE METHOD. This voting system is abused it's annoying. Was just playing as a zombie, managed to infect everyone and then I get vote...