ban appeal

  1. roberto

    Accepted My ban

    Hi! so I was banned many years ago from an alt on one of your servers and i could not find the ban on your banned list. But I can provide my steam profile link: My ban reason was for cheating which I was doing so because I thought it was "cool" but...
  2. Rick May Slime

    Declined False Reports.

    First off, when i tried to go into Jailbreak it said i had been banned. I thought it was because of that ONE mistake i made when i was new to warden, saying the order after cell doors opened. That however was not the case. I got banned for "racism". WHAT THE FUCK? go back. go back to yesterday...
  3. Buxy

    Accepted Ban Appeal Syn (Buxy)

    What happend was, i was kinda a jerk back then and i totaly deserved a ban, but ive grown up by the years and know how to be respectfull to people Its a long time ago lets see what i remembered. I was kinda toxic alot! Admin came on server cant remember name. He was in vanish so couldnt see...
  4. aksonex

    Accepted Sorry for bothering

    Hello, i can not join wonderland trade server becuse of beeing banned, so i went to ban list but i could't find myself. Now i am looking for help and if possibe appeal to take of this ban.
  5. C

    Accepted Ban Appeal - Cipher

    1.) My ban profile link: (Profile attached, link won't work) 2.) Explanation of what happened / why have I been banned: I was playing on the LA Idlebox server with a couple of friends as per the usual. There were some people making extremely racist remarks and spamming in voice chat, so I...
  6. beans

    Declined Perma Ban Appeal

    Ban Reason: Duplicate Accounts Apperantly someone named the same name as me got banned and you mistook him as me. As you can see i play quite a lot of tf2 i would never do something like this since i like your servers a lot. I only play on this account and getting banned on Wonderland really...
  7. oZi_pl

    Declined second chance

    everything im asking for is second chance, i tried some shit cheats but im not gona use em again 1599080935 pinkie promise
  8. Renifik

    Declined Ban Appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link: STEAM_0:1:235160189 idk if this is what u meant sorry im bad with this if its not i will correct myself in other ban appeal. 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was just fooling around taunting and haveing a good time with static and...
  9. =WL= F2P

    Declined I got banned for being "homophobic"

    I said fagay which was towards my friend. It was a joke i didnt mean it to insult him. me and him are really close friends. So please unban me
  10. DOH !!!

    Declined I got banned a long time ago

    1) My ban link is My steam profile link is 2) The reason i got banned said i had duplicated accounts. All i remember before the ban is i opened tf2 went to...
  11. ShotgunGoose

    Declined ban appeal Explain what happened / why you have been banned: it was a long time ago, but i think i was banned for cheating on one of your team fortress 2 server, yes i did cheat but i did it in an ult account, and i don't use that account anymore, after a...
  12. Artezzy

    Accepted ban restriction is still going, although one of moderator accepted my appeal

    it was long ago ive asked for appeal and one of administrator accepted it, but today when im about to play into wonderland server, ban restriction is still going. i think ive lost my forum account and the thread, but i hope any of admin could find it for me. if you need detailed information...
  13. Yangboi15

    Declined Ban Appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link: My steam account is also linked to my forum account 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Use of racial or homophobic language 3.) Tell us why we...
  14. Demonz

    Declined Unban Appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link: i have linked my steam in my profile! 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: i really have no idea why i got banned, i tried to be nice to people and ablide by the rules, please if i did anything wrong just respond and talk to me as a man, what...
  15. Demonz

    Ban Appeal

    Hello WLN.TF Mods and admins! i would like to know why i have gotten banned? i am pretty sure i have not done anything, as long as i remember i have followed the JB rules and tried not to be toxic i am just confused that one day i just got banned Please Respond A.S.A.P
  16. Moon [No Mercy]

    Accepted steam user: fbi cirg raiding team - appeal

    1.) 2.) first to get this over really quickly, the old ban on my old username (bloodsurge assasin) was because i told someone not to spam the n-word in vc but i said it myself to get him not to, dumb action...
  17. Lardext

    Accepted I was banned for something I didn't do.

    This is my ban link: To be honest, I don't know what happened, I played one day, left, got on the next and it said I was banned. On the Ban List it says it was because of "[SourceSleuth] Duplicate Account" and I...
  18. =WL= F2P

    Accepted I was banned for spamming n words and linked a ip that had nothing to do with wonderland

    I never spammed n words in the chat but i did link a ip that was not partnerd with wonderland. This was an accident. I meant to put the ip in the party chat please unban me.
  19. Daddy

    Accepted Ban Appeal

    Hello there, I reported someone for letting enemy spies into our base with a teleporter, letting them spawncamp from inside the spawn, but by the time someone came to look at the call and situtation, they already stopped, even though there was still a red spy in the blu base, that was killing...
  20. Misa

    Ban for homophobic disrespect

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: We were playing hide and seek and the guard laughed at us after we got killed and said "yall are fucking stupid for going there" and I said "shut the...