
  1. felix sheldon coopa troop

    Declined Received a mute and gag for saying the word "neighbour"

    -What happened? Basically, I was playing on the UK 2Fort server and was enjoying myself since I was playing with my friend. I made a joke about the infamous kpop song and how it uses a word that sounds like the n word by doing the following: replacing the "n word" with the word neighbour, then...
  2. Mah Siv Kunt

    Declined Im not sure

    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198433185982/ Im not sure, im not exactly here to ask to be back, but im here to ask exactly why I was banned, i have a slight idea, but im not sure if I am correct, all i did was defend myself and i got banned. Sure, i was using .5 height, but how was...